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Dear Editor:
Response is made to Frederick Kissoon’s column, “Where are Dawn Cush, Karen Abrams and Melissa Ifill?” (Kaieteur News, October 17, 2020). It appears the Editor did not oversight Kissoon’s article before publishing or he would have advised him of the inaccuracy of some of his statements. Contrary to his excursion into wonderland, at no time have I “called on President Granger to investigate [Justice Claudette] Singh and GECOM for improprieties.” There was no bonafide need for that. Anything that needed investigation was the lies and distortion told by kangalang like him, who have no regard for the integrity of the vote but wanted a specific outcome, at any cost.
It is this alternate reality that became popularised and in the Donald Trump era is called Trumpism. Any fool with the exception of the one to whom I send this message directly, any political scientist with pedigree watching the fight taking place in America to safeguard the vote would damn the hypocrisy as it relates to the Guyana election. The former lecturer who wants to lay the impression to Guyanese as though he is so well read, with so much depth, cannot understand this. Neither can he create the nexus of the role played by Republican operatives in the Trump government in our last election.
I am a citizen. I have a vote. That I chose to say which party/ group I supported and gave reasons for so doing is a right I exercise like every citizen. The actions witnessed by the Irfaan Ali government so far give soundness to the concerns raised about what his presidency could mean for Guyana. We are witnessing uncaring and inhumane treatment being meted out to the squatters of Success, East Coast Demerara not seen since immediate post slavery when occupied African lands were flooded by former slave masters. The encouraged ethnic violence at Kingelly, West Coast Berbice by the Attorney General remains a source of deep concern. The stoning of a school bus by supporters of the government supporters which resulted in injuries to school children on 6th March marked a new low in our politics.
We witness attacks on police officers; hate crimes that resulted out of the environment of hate and intolerance created by people like Kissoon and the PPP. There is ethnic cleansing in the public sector. Workers are being terminated not because of incompetence or sensitive nature of their job but because of how they look, where it is perceived which party they support, and which administration employed them. He remains silent, apparently toeing the line with his non-disclosure agreement that Bharrat Jagdeo has over his head like Damocles.
I stand by my position in advocating for the integrity of the vote, to allow GECOM and the judiciary do their work and let the chips fall where they may. Equally, I stand by my position that GECOM Order 60 of 2020, which sought to ensure the integrity of the vote, should have been fully implemented or scrapped. Justice is never partially dispensed. This is something he would find hard to comprehend because it conflicts with the thinking of an unkempt mind.
He does not have the decency to break ranks with what is presently happening as we see Republicans breaking ranks with Trump on issues such as racial supremacy, voter integrity, domestic terrorism, lawlessness, disregard for science, etc. He never had, and cannot inspire it, because for him it is all about his ego. One way he seeks to stroke it is his venomous targeting of black leaders.
I am convinced there is something Kissoon has against black men. What is it is left for us to perceive because though we hold different positions he goes after us. There must be something we have in common that he does not have, that affects him so badly, he constantly seeks to find ways and means whereby he could emasculate us. What we have that he does not have, that raised him to feel denial, that hurts him in some way or the other is a symbol of strength and power.
Though he may feel deprived, I am sure none of the black men he goes after took anything from him. It is either you have or you do not have. All those whom he had attacked have demonstrated that they all have the staying power and ability to go deeper than him on whatever is it that aggrieves him (whatever the issue). He is now going after black women, the sisters, albeit in a different way than he did when he was at the University of Guyana (UG).
Vincent Alexander, in a recent response, correctly accused him of pedaling “Nancy story.” He would make a good main character as a cheat, liar and scoundrel. That is Frederick Kissoon, unmasked, a man who spent more than a quarter century teaching at UG, conducting ‘special research’ and barely achieved Lecturer II status. He is a loudmouth mediocre lecturer, obsessed with black men and women. I wonder what we got that he does not have, that agonises him, that gives him daily and perhaps nightly grief?
Lincoln Lewis